
Tuesday 7 March 2017

How the hell do you do it? Voice Typing

Voice Typing?

What a neat idea by Google.  I have a group of  year 5/6 reluctant writers to whom I introduced voice typing.  And ho and behold they began writing - actually writing sentences that made sense.  But wait, that's not all - This is also teaching these students to speak clearly, enunciate their words, and be aware where punctuation is introduced.  So, thanks to experiments by Zhydah #colleague,  it has become a great reading tool as well.

All the student has to do is talk into the computer's microphone (We are fortunate our students all have 1:1 devices). e.g.

We are going to the shop full stop mum is going to buy ice cream comma lollies and milk full stop

and the computers writes:

We are going to the shop.  Mum is going to buy ice-cream, lollies and milk.

The students quickly learnt that if they don't say their words clearly, google voice typing will not write their words correctly - and there will be a whole line of red underlined words.

Looking through the help files of voice typing, what I have done is just the tip of the ice berg.  There is plenty of time to explore further possibilities.

Zhydah's professional workshop can be found here.

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